An image of the students presenting their poster
From left to right, Shivapriya Chandu, rising M2, Riya Chhabra, rising M3, and Kristin Sarsfield, rising M4. AAMC的三位osr在OUWB中发挥了重要作用,使自杀意识培训成为定向培训的强制性部分.

Starting with the Class of 2028, 十大菠菜台子威廉博蒙特医学院的新生将在入学指导期间接受专门针对自杀意识的特殊培训.

Called safeTALK, 这个四小时的培训旨在让人们对有自杀念头的人更加警惕,并能更好地为他们提供进一步的帮助. 有关官员表示,这将有助于未来的医生在与病人和彼此工作时.


“安全谈话”培训课程以前曾在OUWB举办过, but making the training mandatory is new, said Berkley Browne, Ph.D., associate dean, Student Affairs.

“As aspiring physicians, 对我们的学生来说,尽早接触到可能会让人不舒服的谈话是很重要的,” she said.


SafeTALK是卡尔加里创建的一个特殊培训项目 LivingWorks.

According to its website, safeTALK帮助受训者“学习如何接触想要自杀的人,并通过及时联系他们获得进一步的支持来帮助他们保持安全。.”

Training sessions include presentations, facilitated discussion, and skills practice; videos that illustrate what happens when signs of suicide are overlooked, and how trainees can contribute to safe outcomes when these signs are heard and addressed; opportunities to further explore organizational applications of the training, and more. (课程中总会有另一位培训师,以防学员需要额外的支持.)

“我们从这些课程中学到的一件事是,自杀在某种程度上影响了每个人的生活, shape, or form,” said Bridget Theodoroff, a chaplain at Corewell Health and co-trainer, safeTALK.

“举办这些研讨会扩大了医疗保健提供者的工具包,这很重要,因为我们不仅仅是在工作或上学的人, but live in communities,” she said. “拥有更广泛的技能可以帮助建立更安全的社区.”

根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据, in 2021, someone died by suicide every 11 minutes in the U.S.


A January column in The Washington Post drew recent attention to the issue.


“Because of the stigma surrounding suicide, 医学院不会为崭露头角的医生提供这种语言, 舒适和技能需要认识到它,并适当地解决它与他们的病人,” wrote the authors.

But OUWB is doing something about it, according to Ven. Kevin Hickey, spiritual care manager, Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital, and manager, Clinical Ethics, Corewell Health East.

First, he said, 自杀主题被纳入学校的医学人文和临床生物伦理学(MHCB)课程. 这也是学校通过支持和指导促进反思和个人成长(PRISM)纵向课程的一部分.

However, OUWB officials and students wanted to go further, said Hickey, which is where safeTALK comes into play.

According to Hickey, Browne and Ann Voorheis-Sargent, Ph.D., director, Center for Excellence in Medical Education, 听说了他的团队在皇家橡树的Corewell为医疗保健提供者进行的safeTALK培训.

That coincided with an idea brought forth by Riya Chhabra, rising M3, 也是AAMC学生代表组织的成员. 这个想法是提供心理健康培训,就像医科学生练习心肺复苏术或急救一样.

Working with Hickey, Browne, Voorheis-Sargent, Chhabra制定了一项计划,为OUWB医学院学生提供自愿的安全谈话培训课程.


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Chhabra, Browne, Shivapriya Chandu, rising M2, and Kristen Sarsfield, rising M4, 共同撰写了一份名为“将心理健康急救培训纳入临床前课程”的研究海报.(这张海报于今年4月在AAMC集团学生事务会议上展出.)

“我们的数据显示,100%的学生在参加了OUWB的safeTALK培训后,发现自己在识别和处理心理健康危机方面的准备有所提高,” wrote the authors.

With the early success of the program, 我们决定创造一种方式,让每个公开商学院的学生都能接受培训.

“Going forward, 每个新生班级都将把这作为必修课程的一部分,” said Browne.

Those familiar with the program applaud the move.

查布拉说:“人们对这个项目的支持是惊人的. “每次我们提出一个想法,世行管理层都是开放和接受的. 他们一直在尽最大努力让它发挥作用,并将其融入培训中. We are so grateful, and I feel very supported.”

Hickey shared similar feelings.

“We’re just thrilled and ecstatic about it,” he said. “公开商学院的管理层和领导层真正关注并投资于公开商学院社区的福祉和健康, which is fantastic.”

“据我所知,目前还没有其他医学院将这种培训作为他们的入学课程的一部分,” he added.

如果你或你认识的人正在考虑自杀,请打电话或发短信 988 for confidential, free support.

A safeTALK session is scheduled for July 24, 1-4 p.m., in 110 O’Dowd Hall. It’s open to the OUWB community. Register here.

欲了解更多信息,请联系OUWB高级营销专家Andrew Dietderich [email protected].

To request an interview, visit the OUWB Communications & Marketing webpage.

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