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你认为你或你关心的人可能是性侵犯的幸存者吗? 本页将帮助您识别性侵犯的迹象以及如何获得帮助, as well as provide resources regarding obtaining medical attention, mental health counseling and legal advice.

What to do if you have been sexually assaulted
  • 去一个安全的地方. 打电话给支持人员. 
  • Don't try to go through this alone. 这不能怪你! 
  • Call HAVEN’s Toll-Free Crisis Line at 877.922.1274, 911 or (248) 370-3333 for the OU police.
  • 不要换衣服,淋浴,洗澡,或冲洗,即使你可能觉得强烈需要这样做. 如果口腔被侵入,不要刷牙、抽烟、嚼口香糖或吃任何东西. 
  • 万一你决定起诉,千万不要毁掉证据. 如果你的伤势很严重, 叫人打911或直接送你去急诊室(如阿森松普罗维登斯罗切斯特医院).

You may have serious internal injuries; you need to have a physical examination. 性传播疾病和怀孕的风险需要讨论. 另外, the assault needs to be legally documented and evidence collected; this is referred to as the Medical-法律 Exam.

Even if your initial thought is you would never go to court, it is best to have the evidence collected in case you change your mind later. The sooner you have the exam done, the better.

Police investigation: what to expect

In order to investigate the crime, a police detective will question you, collect evidence from the crime scene, 接受由格雷厄姆健康中心或医院的护士审查员获得的证据, 然后写一份正式的声明. The police will protect your anonymity.

询问通常将重点放在与攻击者初次接触之前的事件上, a detailed account of the behavior and words used by the assailant, 袭击的情况, and a description of the assailant. They may also ask about when you last had consensual sex. Questioning is done in a non-judgmental manner. 为了准备这次面试,你不妨提前把你的账目写下来.


密歇根州的性行为犯罪法(CSC)禁止强迫或胁迫性行为, 其程度可以从接触身体的性部位到插入任何口腔, 阴道, 或者肛门体腔. The survivor may be female or male. Consent must be clear and freely given. 受毒品或酒精影响的人被认为没有能力表示同意. 法律中的强奸保护条款限制了有关幸存者先前性行为史的可采证据.


If you are a survivor of sexual assault, 寻求帮助是你恢复和治愈过程中至关重要的一步. It is up to you to decide who and how to reach out for help. 我们建议:

  1. 告诉你信任的人. 性侵犯是可怕的,创伤性的,是独自承受的巨大负担. Think about whom you might trust to tell that you believe will be supportive. 您也可以拨打Haven的每周7天,每天24小时的危机支持热线 (248) 334.1274 或免费电话  877.922.1274. You may also meet with a counselor at the OU Counseling Center, 星期一至星期五, 上午8时至下午5时.  最重要的是找到一个可以交谈的人,而不是对发生在你身上的事情保持沉默. 
  2. 要求体格检查. Even if you don’t think you were physically hurt, you may want to be checked for internal injuries, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases as soon as possible. 在72小时内进行体检是收集性侵犯物证的最佳时机. 
  3. 向警方报告. 你可联络Haven (877.922.1274) for 援助 in reviewing your reporting options. 是否向警方报案是你的决定,你不必立即做出决定. 然而, if you decide to file a report, it would be advantageous to your case to do this as soon as possible. 
  4. Seek additional supportive counseling. Regardless of whether you get a medical examination or report the assault, you may want help to deal with the impact of the assault. The OU Counseling Center offers comprehensive, expert therapeutic services to help you through the recovery process. 你可以直接到咨询中心,在危机处理的基础上,当天就可以见到咨询师.

It is crucial that you remember that no matter what the circumstances were, you are not to blame for what happened to you. Give yourself permission to do what you need to do to take care of yourself. And most of all, reach out for help! 在你的生活中会有人关心你,也会有专业人士帮你疗伤.

Telling family and significant others

When considering whether to tell your family and others close to you, anticipating their possible reactions is helpful. Review your past and current relationships and history of support.

If your family and/or significant others are not told, 你可能会因为不告诉他们而感到孤立和内疚. Your family may find out from another source at a later date. 同样重要的是要注意,你可能会否认自己的主要支持来源. 你可能希望与一个值得信赖的朋友或顾问讨论这个问题和其他决定


Each survivor has his/her own recovery timetable. Some people are ready for counseling right away and others are not. 被客观、支持和不评判的人倾听是非常有益的.  学生可以通过开放大学咨询中心获得保密咨询.


性侵犯的幸存者经历了非常痛苦的经历,她/他得到支持是很重要的, 援助, 准确的信息. Your being there in a supportive way is immensely valuable.

Allow the survivor to make choices and remain in control. Give reassurance that she/he is not to blame. Listen as she/he talks about the experience. Be accepting of the survivor's many emotional reactions including anger, 恐惧, 焦虑, 和抑郁.

Believe what the survivor tells you. 要知道,说出这段经历需要很大的力量和勇气. 让幸存者知道你相信他们告诉你的,并且袭击不是他们的错,这是非常重要的.

尊重隐私. Don’t tell anyone about the assault without the survivor’s permission. 幸存者只是选择告诉你,这可能对他们的康复过程和恢复造成伤害或有害.

做一个好的倾听者. 当幸存者选择与你交谈时,请记住以下几点:

  • DO concentrate on understanding the survivor’s feelings
  • 允许安静
  • DO let the survivor know you are glad s/he told you
  • DON'T interrogate or ask for specific details about the sexual assault
  • DON'T ask "why" questions such as "why did you go there?或者“你为什么不尖叫??" or "why didn’t you go to the hospital right away?"
  • 不要告诉幸存者你会做什么或者他们应该做什么

Let the survivor make their own decisions. 总是让幸存者权衡他们的选择,并决定如何在他们自己的恢复过程中进行. 告诉幸存者你认为他们“应该做”的选择,可能会让他们觉得自己被剥夺了权力. Instead of taking charge, ask how you can help. Support the decisions the survivor makes, even if you don’t agree with them!

Remind the survivor that you care. Being “there” for survivors is very important. You can do this in a number of ways; by being a good listener; accompanying them if they seek medical attention or walking over with them to get counseling or crisis support at the Counseling Center; making arrangements to have dinner or coffee with them; asking the survivor “how can I be helpful”; voicing your concern by saying things like “I’m sorry that this has happened”; telling them how courageous they are; or telling them that you don’t see the survivor any differently may all be tangible ways to show that you care about the survivor.

Give the survivor space if s/he needs it. 对幸存者可能想要独处一段时间的事实要敏感. 不要往心里去. 幸存者可能只是需要一些时间来不时地关注自己的需求.  

If you are a romantic partner of the survivor, ask for permission before touching or holding the survivor. 不要急于进行性接触. 幸存者需要决定什么时候发生性接触是正确的,并调整参与的强度. 接受这样一个事实:幸存者重新燃起性欲的过程可能很慢. Discuss the subject of sex in a non-sexual environment.

十大菠菜台子 Counseling Center

葛培理健康中心, East Wing
(248) 370-3465

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.