

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  通知社区有关适当的时间, place and manner in which individuals may Distribute and/or Solicit, 信息, goods and/or 服务 to others on 十大菠菜台子 (University) property and in University buildings.

政策:    十大菠菜台子 reserves the right to refuse permission to any individual or group for Distribution and/or Solicitation at any time that:

  1. 阻碍了大学的正常活动,

  2. 未遵循本指南和程序,或

  3. Special circumstances exist on campus, which would make distribution or solicitation inappropriate.

适用范围及适用性:    This policy does not refer to the posting of 信息 on bulletin boards.  For 信息 regarding those policies and procedures, please refer to the OU美联社&p# 486大学寄发政策

定义:    Distribution and solicitation is defined as the giving away or selling of 信息, 商品及/或服务或调查对象的邀请.  


1. 校园内分发或征集的批准:

  • 公认的十大菠菜台子组织:  Any officially recognized 十大菠菜台子 department or organization may distribute materials or solicit, when the materials or solicitation pertain to the activities of the group, 在任何授权的配送中心, 受本政策中规定的限制.

  • 校外团体或个人:  Any off-campus group or individuals wishing to solicit or to distribute materials on campus must obtain prior approval from 学生主任 or his/her designee.

2. 配送中心:  除了下面描述的, there shall be no door-to-door Distribution of free materials or sale or soliciting of products, 服务, 或任何人士在大学校园内索取资料.  Distribution and Solicitation is not permitted at 葛培理健康中心, 梅多布鲁克剧院, 草地溪厅, 鲍德温亭庭院, 大学停车场, 先锋美食广场或其他校园用餐区.

  • 奥克兰中心:  Any registered on-campus organization wishing to Distribute materials in the 奥克兰中心 must reserve a table through the 奥克兰中心 Reservations Office.  All solicitations in the 奥克兰中心 must be in accordance with the 奥克兰中心 Distribution policy.

  • 住宅单位:  Procedures and specific locations for Distribution within the residence halls shall be determined by the Director of University 住房 or his/her designee.

  • 校园娱乐中心:  Procedures and specific locations for Distribution and Solicitation in the 娱乐 Center shall be determined by the Director of Campus 娱乐 or his/her designee.

  • 其他校园建筑及户外:  Any campus or non-campus organization wishing to Distribute materials in any other campus buildings or outdoors must contact 学生主任 or his/her designee to make arrangements for proper Distribution.

3. 指南:

  • The name of the sponsoring group must appear at the site of the Distribution or Solicitation.

  • 免费分发材料或免费展示服务, products or 信息 by an individual or group from outside the University community shall be permitted only when space for this purpose has been rented from the University or when such Distribution is sponsored by an officially 认可大学集团.

  • Commercial products may only be sold when they meet a need not presently being fulfilled by the University.  Any such sales may not be in conflict with any pre-existing vendor contract(s).

  • The University will not assume responsibility for items left unattended.

  • If the purpose for exhibiting or advertising for sale at a Distribution center is to support a non-profit, 认可大学集团, 销售交易可直接在该地点进行.

  • No sales by on-campus individuals solely for their own personal gain shall be approved.

  • It is the sponsoring group's responsibility to keep the point of Distribution free from litter.  Failure to comply with this guideline will result in the loss of the privilege to Distribute materials on campus and a service charge for the clean up. 违规者也可能被控违反公共场所条例第4条.20.

  • It is the sponsoring group's responsibility to keep Distribution and Solicitation activities in the reserved area to insure that normal University activity is not disturbed.

  • 为了保证走廊上的交通畅通, all transactions must be completed from behind the tables assigned to the group or organization.

  • 视频和声音设备可以在分发现场使用.  但是,音量必须保持在最低限度. The authorizing agent reserves the right to reduce the volume or turn off the equipment if it becomes disruptive or interferes with normal University activity.

  • The University has designated several Distribution sites for normal Distribution activity (i.e. (mall area) between North Foundation Hall and South Foundation Hall, 在奥克兰中心入口外, 奥克兰中心外的混凝土平台, 在校园娱乐中心入口外, 以及克雷斯基图书馆外).  其他地点可以根据团队的需要确定, but must be approved to prevent interference with normal University activity.  The University reserves the right to remove any site from this designated list and to add alternate sites, 自行决定.  The Distribution and/or Solicitation must occur at least 50 feet away from the building, 或按照大学的其他指示. 

  • The placement and Distribution of free newspapers in and around campus buildings must be approved by the building manager or, 在没有经理的情况下, 学生主任.

4. 免责声明:  By its review and acceptance of products and 服务 for Distribution on campus, 十大菠菜台子 does not endorse or warrant the quality of those products and 服务.

5. 执行:学生主任办公室:
  Complaints regarding violations of this policy should be forwarded to the Office of 学生主任.


OU美联社&p# 486大学寄发政策
