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Disability Support Services

202 Wilson Hall
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3266
Fax: (248) 370-4327
[email protected]

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Disability Support Services

202 Wilson Hall
371 Wilson Boulevard
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-3266
Fax: (248) 370-4327
[email protected]

Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.


Housing Accommodations

十大菠菜台子致力于让学生充分参与大学生活的各个方面,包括住宿和餐饮体验. 在某些情况下,学生可能需要要求特殊的住房和/或饮食安排. This is an interactive process, and decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Please see below tabs for more information.



  • 完成所有十大菠菜台子的住房申请,并在付款截止日期前完成.
  • Provide DSS with the Housing and/or Dietary Request form that has been completed by a licensed professional. 此表格需要确定学生有残疾,需要住宿. (If the request is a special diet, a diet prescription must be included.)
  • 完整的住宿和/或饮食申请表以及任何其他文件应通过电子邮件发送至 [email protected] or dropped off to the DSS office at 202 Wilson Hall.
  • 发展支助工作人员将审查文件,并确定文件是否足够,或者是否需要额外的信息来支持所要求的住宿。.
    • The student will be contacted if additional information is being requested. 如果需要联系从业者,则需要发布信息.
    • If it has been determined that sufficient documentation has been submitted, 我们将联系学生安排虚拟或面对面的入学预约.
  • During the intake appointment, the interactive process will be followed, where the student will discuss their specific requests, and the documentation will be reviewed.
  • After the intake appointment, the Housing Accommodation Committee, composed of representatives from DSS, Graham Health, OU Counseling and University Housing, will review the request and make a determination on the accommodation request(s).
    • If the committee approves the request(s), 学生和大学住宿和/或餐饮服务将通过电子邮件通知. 发送给学生的电子邮件将包含有关该过程下一步的详细说明, 其中包括联系大学住宿或餐饮服务的住宿安排.
    • If the committee denies the request(s), the student will be notified via email. 如果学生选择对委员会的决定提出上诉,这封电子邮件将包括上诉程序的详细说明. 所有申诉均由学生事务助理副校长和学生主任(或其指定人员)担任主席的委员会进行审查,并开始填写 University Housing Accommodation Request Appeal Form within 10 business days of receiving the committee's denial.

Important considerations:

  • 请不要提出特定于建筑物的要求,而是要求所需的住宿(例如.e. first floor or building with air conditioning, etc.)特定于建筑物的要求不被视为合理的住宿,也不能由发展支助办公室进行评估.
  • If housing/dietary accommodations are approved, they will be provided based on availability at the time of the request. 
  • 只有在满足以下条件的情况下,才会批准豁免住宿膳食计划的请求:学生有特定的规定饮食,符合医疗诊断,而餐饮服务部门无法满足.




  • Food Intolerances
    A food intolerance is a response that takes place in your digestive system. It occurs when you are unable to properly breakdown food. Often, people can eat small amounts of the food without causing problems. Other times it may cause stomachaches and/or gastrointestinal sensitivities.
  • Food Allergies
    A food allergy involves the immune system. Unlike a food intolerance, 食物过敏可能会导致严重的甚至是危及生命的反应,即使是吃少量的特定食物, or touching or inhaling it. 症状是过敏反应,如荨麻疹、瘙痒、肿胀、呕吐和腹泻. Severe reactions can include Anaphylaxis which includes difficulty breathing, dizziness or loss of conscious. Without immediate treatment, this can be fatal.
  • What Can You Do?
    Typically, if you have a food intolerance, 你需要在餐饮服务部门工作,熟悉并了解可供你选择的食物. If you have a food allergy, and it raises to level that it is disabling you from eating with Dining Services, you will want to register with the Disability Support Services. 我们将通过您提供的文件,核实您过敏的严重程度和性质. 然后,我们将与您和餐饮服务部门密切合作,为您制定具体的个性化用餐计划,以满足您的需求.
  • Who to Contact
    If you have questions, 您可以联系查特韦尔餐饮服务或残疾支持服务办公室(见下文). They can provide you with information and direct you to the appropriate office.

Vandenberg Dining
Larry Haacke, Chef
(248) 370-3109
[email protected]

Hillcrest Dining
Ryan Louwaert, Chef
(248) 370-3954
[email protected]

Disability Support Services
202 Wilson Hall
(248) 370-3266
[email protected]

Emotional Support Animals

情感支持动物(ESA)是一种为残疾人提供治疗益处的动物. In order to bring an ESA into campus housing, 学生必须首先获得残疾支持服务(DSS)办公室的批准.

Students seeking an Emotional Support Animal must complete a multistep process.

  • The student will need to provide documentation from a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist currently working with the student. The student must have an ongoing therapeutic relationship with the provider. The provider must fill out the ESA Request form for review. 最好使用此表单,因为它包含了所有必要的信息, 如果包含以下所有信息,个人医疗保健提供者以专业抬头的签名信将被考虑:
    • The nature of the disabling condition or impairment
    • What major life activity is affected?
    • 提供者关于残疾和动物将履行的支持之间关系的专业意见
    • What are the provider's qualifications for recommending an ESA?
    • 动物的残疾症状会减轻,其他措施不会
    • 提供者关于动物的必要性的专业意见,以及为什么学生不能在没有动物的住房中生活.
    • 提供者关于照顾动物(经济上和情感上)对学生的影响的专业意见.
  • The completed documentation should be emailed to [email protected] or dropped off in person to Wilson Hall, Room 202.
  • 决策支持工作人员将审查文件,并确定文件是否足够,或者是否需要额外的信息来支持欧空局的请求.
    • The student will be contacted if additional information is necessary. 如果需要联系从业者,则需要发布信息.
    • If it has been determined that sufficient documentation has been submitted, 我们将联系学生安排虚拟或面对面的入学预约.
  • During the intake appointment, the interactive process will be followed, whereby the student will discuss the ESA request, and the documentation will be reviewed. 
  • After the intake appointment, the Housing Accommodation Committee, composed of representatives from DSS, Graham Health, OU Counseling and University Housing, will review the ESA request and make a determination.
    • If the committee approves the ESA request, 我们会向学生发送一封电子邮件,详细说明下一步的流程, which involves contacting University Housing.
    • If the committee denies the ESA request, the student will be notified via email. 如果学生选择对委员会的决定提出上诉,这封电子邮件将包括上诉程序的详细说明. All appeals are reviewed by a committee, 由学生事务助理副校长和学生主任(或其指定人员)主持,并开始完成 University Housing Accommodation Request Appeal Form within 10 business days of receiving the committee’s denial.
  • If the Housing Accommodation Committee approves an ESA, 学生将被要求联系大学宿舍进行下一步的申请. 下一步需要学生和大学宿舍代表开会,审查在大学宿舍实施ESA的程序和指导方针.