Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Kresge 图书馆, Room 430
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(248) 370-2751

A book resting on its spine with the pages fanned out.

OU 研究 and Publications

CETL celebrates and recognizes the publications and public works by OU faculty related to teaching and learning in higher education. Send us reference information for journal articles, books and chapters, popular articles, videos, podcasts, and other works to be included in the list below, or send this link to a colleague who has published in this area.

2021-Present Publications

View these and more OU-faculty publications before 2021.

Felicita Arzu-Carmichael, Writing & 修辞

Arzu-Carmichael F. (2021). " Sometimes I forget I’m in an online class!:为什么?lace Matters for Meaningful Student Online Writing Experiences." 合成的研究, 49(3), 38-55.

Jennifer Cordon Thor and Michael Greiner, Management and Marketing

托尔,J.C. 格林纳,M. (2024). How legal knowledge can ruin a TV show: An issue-spotting exercise 为 legal environment of business course. Atlantic Law Journal, 27, pp 121-156.

凯特琳Demsky, Management and Marketing

Demsky C. A. (2024). Introducing HRM 学生 to evidence-based stress management strategies: A semester-long experiential assignment. Journal of Human 资源 Education, 18(1), 14-37.
纽约,K. M., Thrasher, G.萨维奇,n.n.杨康,J.哈蒙德,M.德姆斯基,C. A., & 巴克莱L. A. (2021).  Careers roundtable: An exercise for student career exploration and future development Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 21 (2), 100-112

凯蒂·格里尔 欧库

格里尔,K. (2023). A pedagogy of care for information literacy and metaliteracy asynchronous online instruction. Journal of Academic Librarianship 49(3), 102676. 

米歇尔·哈蒙德 Management and Marketing

Vidovic, M.哈蒙德,M.伦哈特,J.帕兰斯基,M., & Olabisi J. (2021). Teaching virtual and cross-cultural collaborations: Exploring experiences of Croatia- and U.S.的本科 学生. Journal of Management Education, 45(6), 953-986. 

纽约,K. M., Thrasher, G.萨维奇,n.n.杨康,J.哈蒙德,M.德姆斯基,C. A., & 巴克莱L. A. (2021). Careers roundtable: An exercise for student career exploration and future developmentJournal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 21(2), 100-112

迈克尔•Kranak Human Development and Child Studies

高逸龙E. S. L.克拉纳克,M. P.菲尔丁,C.库列尔,H., & 米勒,米. M. (2022). Behavior analysis in college classrooms: A scoping review. Behavioral Interventions. Advance online publication.

Bridget Kies, Cinema Studies

黄铁矿、B. (2022年秋季). Editor of the special issue Universal Design for Learning in the Media Studies Classroom Journal of Cinema and Media Studies:教学媒体. She authored the Introduction and essay "Queering the Course Design."

爱丽丝·霍宁,写作 & 修辞

Carillo E. C. & 装角,. S. (2021).  Teaching Critical Reading and Writing in the Era of Fake News. New York:  Peter Lang Publishing.

Carillo E. C. & 装角,. S.客座编辑(2021年). Reading and Writing in the Era of Fake News教育学、 21 (2).

Zexin Ma, Communication, Journalism & 公共关系

妈,Z.,黄,K, & 么,我. (2021). Feasibility of a computer role-playing game to promote empathy in nursing 学生: The role of immersiveness and perspective. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. Advance online publication. 


摩尔,C. (2023). Mobile-Mindful Teaching and Learning: Harnessing the Technology Students Use Most. 笔出版.

Lori Ostergaard and Marshall Kitchens, Writing & 修辞

Ostergaard L. & 厨房,米. (2021). Designing peer review: 研究 and intentional practices for effective online creative writing workshops. 在吉拉迪,T. & Scheg,. (Eds.). Theories and strategies for teaching creative writing online. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社(pp. 101-118).

Rachel Smydra(英语)

Smydra R. V. (2023年1月1日). Serial-iously?: Using a narrative podcast as a shared learning experience to facilitate engagement and critical thinking. Advances in Online Education: A Peer-Reviewed Journal, 1(2).

Rachel Smydra(英语), 马修·梅(社会学), Varna Taranikanti (School of 医学), Misa Mi (School of 医学)

Smydra R., May, M.Taranikanti, V., & Mi M. (2021). Integration of arts and humanities in medical education: A narrative reviewJournal of Cancer Education.

肯尼斯·约克, 格雷戈里打谷机, 南希的, 姜宰贤, 米歇尔·哈蒙德 凯特琳Demsky, Liz Barclay (School of 业务)

纽约,K. M., Thrasher, G.萨维奇,n.n.杨康,J.哈蒙德,M.德姆斯基,C. A., & 巴克莱L. A. (2021). Careers roundtable: An exercise for student career exploration and future development. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 21(2), 100-112